Legal Notice

Owner  >  SASU Vadrouille production / All Sides Pictures (trade name) to the capital of 7 000 €

RCS GAP 792 400 822 00013

Head Office : 14, Impasse de la grande vigne, Romette, 05000 GAP, FRANCE

Contact : contact[at]

TVA Intra-Community : FR 04 792400822

Management : Marine OURY

Creator of the site  >  Vadrouille production / All Sides Pictures

Publication manager (physical person) and webmaster  >  Marine OURY, contact[at]

Web host  >  OVH (SAS), 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 ROUBAIX, FRANCE

Content management system  >  WordPress / Elegant Theme / Divi

General conditions of use of the website

Description of the services offered  >  The website aims to provide informations on all the activities of Vadrouille production/ All Sides Pictures. The website does not offer online sales.

All the information indicated on the website are given as an indication and are subject to change. The information on the website is not exhaustive and is registered subject to modifications made since the upload. Vadrouille production / All Sides Pictures and its representatives endeavor to provide precise information on the website and cannot be held responsible for imprecisions and updates latency.

The General terms and conditions detailing the rights and obligations of Vadrouille production / All Sides Pictures and its client, as well as the rate basefor the sales of service, in particular in terms of consulting and project development, filming coordination and all other service relating to the object of the company, are available on request and attached to all estimates for validation before registering the order of the service.

Access to the site  >  The use of the website implies full acceptance of the General conditions of use described below. This conditions of use may be modified or supplemented at any time, the Users of are therefore invited to consult regularly.

The website is accessible free of charge continuously and in any placeto any User with internet access. All costs incurred by User to access it are at his expense. The website makes every effort to provide quality access to its information. The obligation being of means, the website does not undertakes to achieve this result. The website is regularly updated by Vadrouille production / All Sides Pictures and its representatives and its access can be interrupted, suspended, modified without notice for technical maintenance or any other case at any time.

The User has the possibility to contact Vadrouille production / All Sides Picturesvia the website contact form dedicated to the email address contact[at]

Intellectual property  >  Logos, signs and any other visual content are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and more particularly by copyright.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of these elements, regardless of the means or process used, is prohibited except prior written with authorization of the person in charge of the publication. The User of the website agrees to the use of all content, texts and images, strictly private and under his own responsability. Any commercial use is prohibited.

All content posted by the User on the site is their own responsability. The User undertakes not to upload any content that they harms the interests of thirds parties. Any legal action brought again the site by a third party injuried by user content must be supported by the User. The content posted online by the User may at any time and for any reason be deleted or modified by the site without prior notification or modification.

Personal Data  >  When using the website, personal data may be collected :

– By its web host OVH (France) : URL of the links which the User has accessed the website, User’s access provider, User’s Internet Protocol adress (IP). The data generated or relatives to the use of are stored in France. The OVH privacy policy is available here.

– By Google reCAPTCHA (Google Ireland Limited) : User’s Internet Protocol adress (IP) and cookies on browsers. This user recognition system has been put in place to protect the site from any misuse of its contact form and from spams. The data are usually stored in the USA following a certification awarded by the European Union. The Google privacy policy is available here.

An appropriate setting of the browsers makes it possible to refuse these collections of data generated or relating to the use of, but by limiting the use of the functionalities of the site.

– By Vadrouille production / All Sides Pictures : all statistical data processed by the site’s security plugin including the User’s Internet Protocol adress (IP), as well as the personal data entered and transmitted by the User via the contact form in a need to implement relationship and discussion around the services offered by the company.

These personal data are entered and transmitted by the User in order to establish contact and exchange around the services offered by the company.

The personal data collected via this form is processed internally by Vadrouille production / All Sides Pictures (European Union) to respond to requests for information, develop estimates and communicate with prospects about the evolution of services.

The personal data not use in any service deliverable are kept  year, except contact (names, first names, email addresses and telephone numbers) kept for an unlimited duration. The personal data integrated into a deliverable of a service are kept for an unlimited duration (activity archives of Vadrouille production / All Sides Pictures).

This personal data are accessible to a single interlocuteur, in charge within All Sides Pictures of the response to the requests for information, the elaboration of the estimates, the communication and the realization of services eventually arising from the contact. This personal data will be fowarded only to the third parties mentionned in the estimates after acceptance (public funds and private investors, producers and higt moutain filmings partners), excluding contact details which could be the object of a transfer within and outside the European Union.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act, the User can exercice his requests rights to access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, opposition and portability by contacting us to the dedicated address RGPD[at]
If he subsequently believe that your rights are not respected, he can submit a complain online to the CNIL.

The performance of services by All Sides Pictures entails a collection of personal data associated with the information requested by the standard files provided by public funds, by private investors or for the coordination of higt moutain filmings services. Some of this personal data may be categorized as « sensitive » and are subject by Vadrouille production / All Sides Pictures of requests for express consent. This collection is not linked to the website and is only initiated after the validation of an estimate and the General terms and conditions mentioning all mandatory informations on the processing of personal data and the exercice of related rights.

The administrative and financial data of the companies as well as the data concerning innovation benefit from a security identical at that put in place for personal data.

Hypertext links and cookies  >  The website may contain a certain number of outgoing hypertext links validated by the publication manager. Vadrouille production / All Sides Pictures has no continuous control over the destination of these links and therefore assumes no responsability for this fact.

The navigation on the website is likely to cause the installation of cookies on the User’s computer. A cookie is a small file, not allowing the identificationof the User, but which records information relating to the navigation of a computer on a website. The data obtained are intended to facilitate subsequent navigation on the website and also intented to allow various measures of attendance. Refusal to install a cookie may make it impossible to access to certain information.

Applicable law and competent jurisdiction  >  Any litigation in connexion with the use of the website or relating to the interpretation and the execution of this present General conditions of use of the website is subject to French law. Exclusive attribution is made to the competent courts : the litigation will be brought before the Commercial court of Gap.


User : internet user connecting, using the website

User Content : data transmitted by the User within the website

Personal Data : « information which allows, in any form, directly or indirectly, the physical individuals they apply » (article 4 of the law n° 78-17 of the January 6,1978)